Lindy Bootie2004

Saturday, February 14th, 2004 | Uncategorized

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!LindyBooty ( is a late night blues party that San Francisco holds from time to time, this one was in protest of Valentines Day, a worthy cause. Even though I had people in my apartment in NYC, I got talked into going. So, I got in Friday morning at 11:30, and I left Saturday afternoon at 12:35 – spending a grand total of 25 hours in San Francisco. I’m insane.


The party was awesome, I got to DJ a short set, saw most of my favorite westcoast follows, and made a couple new friends :)


  • After my set, when Mihai said, “everybody give it up for DJ Jeremy from New York” And everyone clapped, and I had that weird feeling that you always get when people clap for you, but everybody clapped, and I was DJ Jeremy from New York, and it was good.
  • Saying goodbye to Miranda. It’s amazing what you can get away with in this world. Hearing the conversation abruptly stop around us. Feeling her surprise as she realized what she was doing. And then feeling her saying, ‘what the hell’ to herself.
  • Waiting for my flight at Ruby’s house, lying in the living room watching the bright sun from the early morning invade the house, splashing and breaking on half of Ruby’s face as she lay there. Talking to me. Letting me play with her hair. Posing for pictures.

