I Wish You Were Here

Saturday, March 27th, 2004 | Uncategorized

/> I wish you were here right now. I haven’t been on the farm for a while, and I haven’t been on the farm at dusk during the spring for a long while. It’s magical. As I look around, the sunlight is soft. And there are trees. And a horizon…a huge horizon. I have my little brother taking pictures of me as I write to you. I wanted you to see me :)
There are dogs in the background and birds. I once thought I could only raise my kids in a place like this. Today I remember why I thought that. It may be that I will let my family grow up for a while in a city, but my kids WILL know what it means to be outside. To breath air that is fresh, and somehow…is it woody? smoky? whatever it is, I can’t help smiling as my nose tastes it, and remembers.
/> To see a sunset. To know the quiet of the outdoors that isn’t really quiet, but a symphony of nature’s many voices. Having the one car that comes every five minutes or so only serve to remind you how few cars there are here. To be awed by the one plane in the sky while you’re lying on your back on top of your roof (where I spent the last 2 hours reading).
To climb a tree. To dig a ditch. To build a fort. To spend days toiling, working, sweating, getting burnt by the sun. And to spend nights knowing that with their hands they have actually accomplished something, built something, changed something, and it was hard, and they can be proud. /> I wish you could be here. Maybe it’s this place that taught me peace. Maybe this is where I return to when I meditate. Even a distant car alarm going off is somehow comforting :) I am in love with the world, and I wish for nothing more than to share it with you. Lying next to me on this old broken picnic table looking up at the biggest pecan tree on our farm, and the sky above it.
