Clickable Stack Traces on your Rails Error Page

Wouldn’t it be nice if when an error happened in your application, you could not only see the stack trace, but click on a line and jump to the offending code? This is not groundbreaking stuff, I know, I had this like 10 years ago in C++ and later Java fat clients, and I’m sure other languages & IDEs had it too – but somehow in moving to writing web apps in Ruby, I lost it.

I want it back damnit!

Turns out it’s pretty easy to get back (at least it is if you use textmate) – check it out.

Custom Error Page

First, to get a custom error page for your project, add something like this to your application.rb :

def rescue_action_locally(*args)
  render :template  => "application/public_error", :layout => false
alias rescue_action_in_public render_action_locally

Note, if you’re using exception notifiable, you probably want to change the last line to something like :

alias render_404 rescue_action_locally
alias render_500 rescue_action_locally

We use markaby, so our public_error template looks something like this; it’s probably a good idea to keep this simple and not use a layout, just in case the error came from the layout :

html do
  head do
    title action_name
    stylesheet_link_tag 'error'
  body do
    div.error do
      div.message do
        h1 "Whoops"
        p "We detected an error.  Don't worry, though, 
we've been notified and we're on it."

Adding a Stack Trace w/ Links to the Error Page

So, it would be helpful to us for our error page to tell us more in our development and staging environments. We do use exception notifiable, so we don’t actually need or want it to say anything else to a real user in production. Adding this to our template, it now looks like this :

html do
  head do
    title action_name
    stylesheet_link_tag 'error'
  body do
    div.error do
      div.message do
        h1 "Whoops"
        p "We detected an error.  Don't worry, though, 
we've been notified and we're on it."
      if RAILS_ENV != 'production'
        div.stack_trace do
          h2 "Stack Trace"
          div { link_to_code $!.to_s.to_s.gsub("\n", "
") }
          div { link_to_code $!.backtrace.join("
") }

What’s that “link_to_code” method in there?

It’s a method in application_helper that replaces any path with a textmate url to open up that file on your local system and jump to the offending line. Check it out :

def link_to_code(text)
  text.gsub(/([\w\.-]*\/[\w\/\.-]+)\:(\d+)/) do |match|
    file = $1.starts_with?("/") ? $1 : File.join(RAILS_ROOT, $1)
    link_to match, "txmt://open?url=file://#{file}&line=#{$2}"

That’s it. Suddenly, stack traces are friendly again!

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One Response to “Clickable Stack Traces on your Rails Error Page”

  1. Jonathan Rasmusson Says:

    Great post Jeremy,

    How are things going?
    I am keen to explore rails and ruby at some point soon.
    I am going to be looking to this blog for guidance as I know the quality of the author and the material.

    Hope all is well. Congrats on your wedding.

    And I will hopefully bump into you sometime in the near future.

    All the best.
