Posts Tagged ‘testing’

Eventual Consistency, or things will all work out…eventually

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

So we’re working with Amazon’s SimpleDB. It’s pretty sweet, though the ruby libraries for it are still a bit primitive. One of the problems you run up against when you’re writing integration tests against it is eventual consistency.

Take this test :

it "should save" do
  customer = Customer.create!(:name => 'bob', :email => '')
  customer = Customer.find(customer.key) == 'bob'

The way SimpleDB works, you’re assured that Customer.find will work…eventually, but not right away.

For a couple days we contented ourselves to just run the integration tests a couple times until they didn’t error out. But that got old.

Enter “eventually” :

it "should save" do
  customer = Customer.create!(:name => 'bob', :email => '')
  customer = eventually { Customer.find(customer.key) } == 'bob'

It’s a very simple method (below) that just retries the passed in block until it succeeds, timing out after 10 tries. Super simple, works like a charm. Thank you ruby.

Here’s the source :

def eventually(tries = 0, &block)
  raise if tries >= 10
  sleep 0.5
  eventually(tries + 1, &block)

I will say, I can’t help but smile every time I write “eventually” in a test… :)

PhpUnit for TextMate

Friday, July 18th, 2008

Who would have thought I’d be doing php?

Anyway, yesterday I found myself doing php and really wanting it to hurt less. I downloaded a textmate bundle for phpunit from github. It wasn’t quite what I wanted, so I forked it and hacked it, and made it work a bit more like the rspec bundle.

It now has:


  • run tests (in current file)
  • run single test


  • test

And much to my surprise, it was way easy to do. All in ruby, all with specs testing it.

This article was going to be telling all y’all to come over to my cool fork of phpunit, but I sent the original author a pull request yesterday, and I just looked, and he’s pulled all my changes. Rock!

So go forth and enjoy the goodness that an extensible editor like textmate, oss code like the phpunit bundle, and github can bring about.

PHPUnit.bundle for textmate

Clickable Stack Traces on your Rails Error Page

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Wouldn’t it be nice if when an error happened in your application, you could not only see the stack trace, but click on a line and jump to the offending code? This is not groundbreaking stuff, I know, I had this like 10 years ago in C++ and later Java fat clients, and I’m sure other languages & IDEs had it too – but somehow in moving to writing web apps in Ruby, I lost it.

I want it back damnit!

Turns out it’s pretty easy to get back (at least it is if you use textmate) – check it out.

Custom Error Page

First, to get a custom error page for your project, add something like this to your application.rb :

def rescue_action_locally(*args)
  render :template  => "application/public_error", :layout => false
alias rescue_action_in_public render_action_locally

Note, if you’re using exception notifiable, you probably want to change the last line to something like :

alias render_404 rescue_action_locally
alias render_500 rescue_action_locally

We use markaby, so our public_error template looks something like this; it’s probably a good idea to keep this simple and not use a layout, just in case the error came from the layout :

html do
  head do
    title action_name
    stylesheet_link_tag 'error'
  body do
    div.error do
      div.message do
        h1 "Whoops"
        p "We detected an error.  Don't worry, though, 
we've been notified and we're on it."

Adding a Stack Trace w/ Links to the Error Page

So, it would be helpful to us for our error page to tell us more in our development and staging environments. We do use exception notifiable, so we don’t actually need or want it to say anything else to a real user in production. Adding this to our template, it now looks like this :

html do
  head do
    title action_name
    stylesheet_link_tag 'error'
  body do
    div.error do
      div.message do
        h1 "Whoops"
        p "We detected an error.  Don't worry, though, 
we've been notified and we're on it."
      if RAILS_ENV != 'production'
        div.stack_trace do
          h2 "Stack Trace"
          div { link_to_code $!.to_s.to_s.gsub("\n", "
") }
          div { link_to_code $!.backtrace.join("
") }

What’s that “link_to_code” method in there?

It’s a method in application_helper that replaces any path with a textmate url to open up that file on your local system and jump to the offending line. Check it out :

def link_to_code(text)
  text.gsub(/([\w\.-]*\/[\w\/\.-]+)\:(\d+)/) do |match|
    file = $1.starts_with?("/") ? $1 : File.join(RAILS_ROOT, $1)
    link_to match, "txmt://open?url=file://#{file}&line=#{$2}"

That’s it. Suddenly, stack traces are friendly again!

Customizing Markaby – Language Level Refactorings

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

It’s very easy to call out to methods in markaby, but it’d be nice if you could actually customize the dsl as well.

For example, on many of our pages we have a bottom row that has buttons that look a certain way. So on every page, we have :

  table(:width => "100%") do
    tr do
      td.left do
      end do
      td.right do

The code for the actual buttons changes, and after a few tries to extract the whole thing into a single method, we gave up. Our efforts had made it harder to read, not easier. There was always just a little too much variance, and it didn’t feel right.

What we really wanted to write was :

  last_row do
    column do
    column do
    column do

This lets the buttons that change all stay in the view, and gets rid of the skeleton and positional stuff that doesn’t change. Furthermore, it’s DRY and puts all that positional logic in one place instead of scattered across 20 views.

How to do this?

I wrote a test (in RSpec) that looks something like :

describe ApplicationHelper do
  it "should generate a table from a buttons method" do
    last_row(:columns => 2) do
      column do
      column do
    end.should == '<table width="100%"><tr>' +
                    '<td class="left">foo</td>' + 
                    '<td class="right">bar</td>' +

After a bunch of fiddling and poking around, I finally made the test (and a couple others) pass with this code in my ApplicationHelper :

def last_row(options, &block)
  markaby do
    table(:width => "100%") do
      tr do, options[:columns]).
class LastRowContext
  def initialize(markaby, columns)
    @markaby, @column_count, @column_index = 
                            markaby, columns, 0
  def column(&block)
    alignment = case @column_index += 1
    when 1 : :left
    when @column_count : :right
    else :center
    @markaby.instance_eval do
      td(:class => alignment, &block)

I’m sure this could get cleaned up more; this was the work of less than an hour. In particular, if you did this often, you could extract a common MarkabyContext superclass that had some convenience methods. The point is, this is really easy to do, and we shouldn’t be scared to try “Language level refactorings” like this.

More Fun with Times, Mocks, and Closures

Thursday, May 24th, 2007

I solved a complex problem in cruise today with some non-trivial mocking. Check this one out :

I needed to test that every x amount of time, we do a clean checkout. It can be every 6 hours, 2 days, whatever. How do you test this?

Well, maybe you could mock the time.

Time.stubs(:now).returns( + 2.hours)

That almost works, except that the code works by touching a file. And touch doesn’t use Now at this point, we could go crazy, and mock FileUtils.touch, of course that means we’ll also have to mock File.exists? and then what are we really testing?

Instead, I used Mocha to temporarily replace FileUtils.touch with my own implementation that acts like the original but uses my own value of time. It looks like this so far.

  marker = sandbox.root + '/last_clean_checkout_timestamp'
  now =
  FileUtils.stubs(:touch).with(marker).returns(proc do, 'w') {|f| f

you’ll notice that both of these stubs are returning procs that reference now a local variable….

That’s ruby magic.

It means that I can now forget about mocks and write the rest of my test like this :

  @project.do_clean_checkout :every => 1.hour
  assert @project.do_clean_checkout?
  assert !@project.do_clean_checkout?
  now += 59.minutes
  assert !@project.do_clean_checkout?
  now += 2.minutes
  assert @project.do_clean_checkout?
  assert !@project.do_clean_checkout?
  @project.do_clean_checkout :every => 2.days
  now += + 23.hours
  assert !@project.do_clean_checkout?
  now += 2.hours
  assert @project.do_clean_checkout?

Instead of changing the mocks several times in between each test, I can just change my local variable now. Because of closures, the mocked out methods return the new value.

Ruby is awesome (and Mocha is pretty sweet too)

Object Mother…in rails?

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

That’s right, the circa 2000 pattern still makes sense today. Use an “object mother” as a test factory to conveniently create objects for your unit tests to bang against. It will often default values, or have different states in which to create objects. For example, you might have a new_user, as well as a new_superuser and new_guest method all of which return users.

Read about the original pattern

But why, you ask, not just use rails’ fixtures? Glad you asked.

  1. it’s more intuitive and maintainable to setup the data you need right next to the test
  2. it’s easier to create just exactly the objects you need when you have test factory methods

But don’t take my word for it. Let’s look at some code.

First off, what does this look like in ruby? I am creating an “ObjectMother” module, which I then just mixin to my tests. A test might then look like :

  include ObjectMother
  def test_delete_project
    project = new_project('foo')
    post :delete, :id =>
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Tag.find(}

The magic is in “new_project”. It’s an entirely pragmatic construct. If you pass it a string, it will set everything else to acceptable defaults, and use that string as a name. It looks something like this.

module ObjectMother
  def new_project(options)
    options = {:name => options} if options.is_a? String
    options[:url_name] = options[:name].gsub(/\W/, '') if !options.has_key?(:url_name)

Here in project, it defaults the url_name (which must be unique) from the name you’ve given it. However, you could also create a more custom project by running this :

  new_project(:name => 'garage', :url_name => 'the_garage', :description => 'foo')

This is how it works for projects, but it’s only purpose in life is to make my life easier and reduce the amount of code one has to type or read. So each type of thing it creates works a little bit differently according to our needs
h2. A more complicated example

I was playing with ferret last week, and wrote a test that looked like this :

  def test_across_types
    project = new_project('rabbit holes')
    post = new_post(:subject => 'a rabbit has a big head')
    user = new_user(:display_name => 'rabbit head')
    @search.string = 'rabbit'
    assert_find [project, post, user]
    @search.string = 'rabbit head'
    assert_find [post, user]

My thought process was something along the lines of :

  1. I want to test that my searcher works across types
  2. I need to create a project, post, and user that all have a term in them (in different places)
  3. I want to search for the term, and make sure i get all of them
  4. I want to search for a term that maybe 2 of them have and make sure I only get those 2

Writing the test for this part literally took 30 seconds, I didn’t have to go lookup the fixtures or add a new fixture for my new case. I also didn’t have to remember all the things that it takes to make a valid project or post or user.

Helpful Additions To Test::Unit

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

Doing a lot of rails work, I’m getting a good feel for testing in ruby and rails. Here are some tricks / snippets I use :

assert_raises takes a string and/or a class

I want to be able to write

one ='one')

I’ve done this a few times, but I think cruisecontrol.rb’s implementation is the most robust :

  def assert_raises(arg1 = nil, arg2 = nil)
    expected_error = arg1.is_a?(Exception) ? arg1 : nil
    expected_class = arg1.is_a?(Class) ? arg1 : nil
    expected_message = arg1.is_a?(String) ? arg1 : arg2
      fail "expected error was not raised"
    rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
    rescue => e
      raise if e.message == "expected error was not raised"
      assert_equal(expected_error, e) if expected_error
      assert_equal(expected_class, e.class, "Unexpected error type raised") if expected_class
      assert_equal(expected_message, e.message, "Unexpected error message") if expected_message.is_a? String
      assert_matched(expected_message, e.message, "Unexpected error message") if expected_message.is_a? Regexp

h2. assert_equal_sets

In Java, I used to push things into sets and compare them when I didn’t care about order. In ruby, I sometimes use assert_equal_sets. It does a compare of two arrays independent of order. So

  assert_equal_sets [1, 3, 5], [3, 5, 1]   # passes
  assert_equal_sets [2, 3], [3, 4]    # fails

class Array
  def reorder_like!(other)
    tmp = dup
    other.each {|x| self

h2. file_sandbox for testing against the file system

After dragging this code around me for the last 6 or 7 projects I’ve been on, I finally packaged it up as a gem . It lets you write code like :

in_sandbox do |sandbox| :file => 'b/a.txt', :with_contents => 'some stuff'
  assert_equal 'some_stuff', + '/b/a.txt')

Basically it creates a temporary directory for you to muck about in. After the block is ended (or teardown is called on your test) that directory and everything in it is guaranteed to be cleaned up. It also has a bunch of methods to make file based things easier like creating a file, etc.

Install it with “gem install file_sandbox”

Setting Today in a Test

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Ruby is awesome…

  def test_on_weekday
    today_is "May 3, 2006" do
      calendar.add("a call").at(
      assert_equal(Time.local(2006, 5, 6, 16),

…playing with code examples for our book.

The Temp Files Pattern

Friday, December 19th, 2003

This is a pattern I first started using while working on rublog w/ Brian Marick et al. Dave Thomas gave it a better name when he checked it in, and I’ve renamed it since then. I think I like temp files. A second ago, I was working in nfit, and found myself writing it in c#. So I guess I like it.


You want to test something that accesses files. Something that you want to do all the time for some apps.


Create a class called !TempFiles, use it like this (for ruby):

def test_load
	files =
	files.add('wiki/captions/2003_11-November_captions.txt', CONTENTS)
	files.create do |dir|
		captions =, '/2003/11-November'), '/2003/11-November')
		assert_equal('Jilian', captions['apPle.JPG'])
		assert_equal('from the top', captions['bitter.jpg'])

It can be used from any test, and makes creating a file easy. From ruby the blocks make it really nice. I often add files in the setup code, but always have the block in the actual test. The nice thing about this is it’s easy to add files in your test right before creating them.

I’ll add the c# usage tomorrow

  • UPDATE *

this is now a gem called file_sandbox – sudo gem install file_sandbox – enjoy…

Getting Rid Of Stupid Popup Debug Boxes

Monday, December 15th, 2003

Here’s some wisdom from people.MikeRoberts, that I don’t want to forget:

To get rid of those annoying popup dialog boxes prompting you to debug a .net machine, change this registry setting


to ‘1’